Health Benefits of Astragalus

The herb known as Astragalus (Astragalus membranicus) is used for its tonic effect on the immune system. It is valued in Oriental medicine (as Huang Chi) and also in Western traditions. This herb supports respiratory function and increases endurance, making it excellent for athletes. As an immune enhancer, Astragalus stimulates white blood cell production and keeps T cells high in number.

It is said that Astralagus strengthens the outer limbs, particularly the legs.

This herb should be cooked in distilled water for up to sixty minutes to release its therapeutic qualities, and then sliced and eaten. It has very little taste, and can be combined with licorice or ginger, as is done in the Oriental tradition. The ground or powdered forms of Astragalus seem to have little to no therapeutic value, so purchase the large, straight, yellow roots and cook them at home to get the best effect.

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